George and his nighttime frien

soun ratanavanh seng
Join george and his adorable nighttime friends as they brave the dark together and learn how to overcome personal fears together. curled up in his warm bed, george cannot go to sleep. the darkness that surrounds him almost chases his dreams away entirely until a little mouse appears. as they walk from room to room, the pair meet other new friends, including a mole in the library who guards the books and a penguin in the bathroom that is terrified of water. after sharing what they?re each afraid of, together they help one another overcome their fears, ending the evening with a magical feast! following her vivid and delicate illustrations for the miyuki books, seng soun ratanavanh applies the same stunning level of detail in night friends, illuminating the night and reminding young readers how important it is to dream.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
21,00 €
EAN 9781648960703
Date de parution 28/10/2021
Format 0 x 320 mm x 218 mm
Where to find us?
20 rue Porte Mutin
18200 Saint-Amand-Montrond

Du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h et de 14h30 à 19h



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